报告题目:New Gene Duplicates under Sexual Antagonistic Selection Evolved Essential Gametogenesis
报告人:美国芝加哥大学著名教授 龙漫远
主持人:杨毅 教授
龙漫远教授于四川农业大学获学士学位,美国加州大学戴维斯分校获博士学位(导师:Charles Langley),美国哈佛大学博士后(导师:诺贝尔化学奖获得者Walter Gilbert)。现任美国芝加哥大学教授(Edna K. Papazian Distinguished Service Professor, tenured in Department of Ecology and Evolution and the College, The University of Chicago; a faculty member of the Committees on Genetics and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Chicago)。
Origin and evolution of new genes:
1.Evolution of gene expression networks by integration of new genes;
2.Phenotypic effects and functions of new genes;
!Evolutionary analysis of gene interactions with new genes;
3.Copy number variation within Drosophila populations;
4.Evolution of sex chromosomes and sex-related genes;
5.Genes and Genomes in plants: high origination rate of chimeric genes in the grass family.